Advantages of Coohom over Planner5D

1,000,000+ 3D Models
Coohom boasts an impressive collection of over 1,000,000 diverse models for interior design which are 150 times of the number of models in Planner5D.
From furniture to lighting fixtures, from decorations to wallpapers, our extensive selection offers limitless possibilities to create unique and exquisite interior design concepts. Whether you're seeking a modern, traditional, or any other style of interior design elements, we have got you covered.

Video and Unlimited 8K Rendering
Compared with the Planner5D, coohom's advanced rendering engine brings your designs to life with stunning realism. In Coohom, you can get Unlimited 8K High-Quality picture rendering and even Online Fast Video Rendering with lower price.
Experience the power of high-quality 3D visuals, allowing you to explore every detail from different angles for an immersive design experience. The fancy images can boost your business significantly.

Flexible Design Customization
Coohom offers a comprehensive suite of design customization tools, enabling you to effortlessly experiment with various materials, textures, colors, and lighting effects.
At the same time, Coohom also provides AI Template function to to speed up your design process or provide you with design inspiration. In all, Coohom is suitable for both novice and expert designers.
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